Di Wu

Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes

Project maintained by moore3930 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Before doing my phd, I have four years of industrial experience, working on algorithm-related projects at Alibaba (2018-2020), Baidu (2020-2021), and Microsoft (2021-2022). Prior to that, I earned my M.Phil. degree in EECS from Peking University (2015-2018) and my BS degree from Hefei University of Technology (2011-2015). Additionally, I was sinking 4 years in the beautiful city of Guilin. If you buy me a drink, I’d be happy to share some stories from my time there :)

As I get older, it’s harder to keep all my memories clear in my mind (no worries, no amnesia). Some things, views, and words truly matter to me, so I’m locking them here:

Some whispers from wise friends.

What my phd life looks like.