Di Wu

Github Pages template for academic personal websites, forked from mmistakes/minimal-mistakes

Project maintained by moore3930 Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

Lady Yang: A charming lady, who lives with me since 2019 summer.

Beijing: I moved to Beijing in 2015 summer for pursuing an M.Phil degree. Now (Apirl 2022), I have been living here for nearly seven years. As a somehow dirty, foggy, and highly competitive city with ridiculous house prices, many people chose to leave here in their thirties. However, in my eyes, it is more like a city that juggles with bright history, inclusive culture, and various young passions.

Amsterdam: I moved to Amsterdam in 2022 summer for pursuing Phd. This city is famous for its drugs, red lights, hundreds of beautiful canals, millions of bicycles, diverse culture, disgusting winter, and most lovely summer, which all make it to be a whore and a virgin at the same time.

Roma: “Fa ritorno a Roma”

Switzerland: A bonkers beautiful place that I don’t know how to improve.

Lisbon: “Onde a terra se acaba e o mar começa”

Nice: “To meet you, Nice.”

Pairs: “Paris is a city on the earth while this earth is a star in the sky.”